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역사는 구텐베르크에게 너무 관대하였나?
Dinitia Smith
15세기 독일장인 요한 구텐베르크는 오랫동안 근대 활판인쇄술의 아버지로 일컬어지고 또 그렇게 믿어져왔는데, 이 베일에 싸인 발명가가 그 '아버지'의 영예를 다른 누군가와 나눠가지고 인류 인쇄술의 역사는 다시 쓰여져야할지도 모르겠다.
이번주 뉴욕에서 열린 미국 서지학회 세미나에서 발표된 프린스턴대 물리학, 고서학 두 학자의 연구내용에 따르면, 그들이 구텐베르크 활판인쇄본을 첨단기술로 정밀고증한 결과 그가 당시 획기적이었던 활판인쇄술을 발명한 최초의 창시자가 아닐 수 있다는 결론에 도달한 것이다.
지금까지 의심없이 구텐베르크에 의해 발명되었다고 알고 있었고 20세기 2차대전 이후까지 서구에서 500년 넘게 사용되어왔던 활판인쇄술, 즉 일명 '펀치'(punch) 혹은 '부형'(patrix)이라 불리는 금속막대위에 알파벳글자를 도드라지게 깍아 '모형'(matrix)이라 불리는 황동판 위에 이 '펀치(부형)'을 망치로 두드려 알파벳글자가 파인 황동판'모형'을 변형가능한 수동주형기(거푸집) 바닥에 세운 후 거기에 녹인 납합금을 부어 꺼내 만든 '자형'(infantrix)들을 다시 나무활판에 심어 잉크를 발라 종이에 찍어내던 방식 - 일명 금속주형주조법- 이 사실은 1450년으로 알려진 구텐베르크인쇄술 창시년보다 20여년 지난 후 다른 누군가에 의해 새롭게 개발된 기술이라는 주장이다.
두 연구자에 따르면, 구텐베르크 활판인쇄본인 1455년판 구텐베르크 '42행 성서'를 7200배까지 확대하는 3D 전자현미경으로 관찰한 결과 금속주형주조법에 의한 인쇄물에선 나타나지 않는 모래알갱이 흔적과 제각각 다른 글자모양이 발견됐다는 것인데,
이는 구텐베르크성서가 금속주형주조법이 아닌 모래주형주조법, 즉 '부형'(patrix)인 나무에 글자를 새긴 후 모래를 다져만든 거푸집에 '부형'을 찍어 '모형'(matrix)인 모래주형을 만든 다음 그 '모형'위에 녹인 쇳물을 부어 꺼낸 금속활자 '자형'(infantrix)들을 다시 목판에 심어 잉크를 발라 종이에 찍는 방식에 의해 만들어졌다는 증거가 된다.
모래주형은 재사용될 수 없기 때문에 알파벳 활자인 '자형'을 만들때마다 새로 거푸집을 만들어야 되고 이때문에 같은 알파벳 글자라도 '자형'의 모양이 제각각이 될수밖에 없기 때문이다.
놀라운 사실은 현존 최고(最古)의 금속활자인쇄본으로 인정받고 있는 한국 고려시대 불경인 1371년판 직지심체요절이 바로 이 모래주형주조법 -한국에선 '주물사주조법'으로 불린다- 에 따라 만들어진 것이라는 점이다.
당시 동양에선 중국인들이 11세기 무렵부터 '자형'(infantrix)이 점토로 된 찰흙활자를 만들어 책을 인쇄했고 13세기부터는 '자형'이 납합금인 금속활자를 만들어 사용했다고 하나, 이에의한 인쇄본은 전해지지 않고 한국 고려에서의 직지심체요절이 모래주형주조법에 의한 최초의 금속활자인쇄본으로 남아 전해내려오고 있는 것이다.
고려인들은 1371년 이전에도 최소 30년 이상 이 모래주형주조법(주물사주조법)에 의한 인류 최초의 금속활자인쇄기술로 책들을 대량생산하고 있었다고 알려지고 있다.
당시 유럽에선 성서가 주로 필사본, 그렇지 않으면 드물게 목판에 글자를 하나하나 새겨넣어 찍은 목판인쇄본이 전부였는데, 인쇄술의 혁명과도 같았던 구텐베르크 금속활자인쇄본 '42행 성서'가 금속주형주조법이 아닌 직지심체요절의 모래주형주조법에 의한 것이라면 이는 우연일까?
아님 구텐베르크가 고려인들과 접촉해 그 기술을 배운 것일까?
당시 동양과 교류했던 유럽인들은 주로 이탈리아 상인들이었고 이들은 성지순례를 하며 군중속에서 성보(聖寶)를 더잘 보기위해 머리위로 치켜들 거울이 필요했는데, 이 거울을 만드는 장인이 구텐베르크였으므로 그 거울거래를 통해 구텐베르크가 동양을 다녀온 상인들과 접촉했을 수 있다.
또 이 순례자들은 교황의 면죄부도 필요로 했는데, 필사에 의존했던 면죄부를 대량으로 찍어내기 위해 거울을 만드는 기술과 상인들에게서 전해들은 고려의 주물사주조법을 결합해 자신만의 독자적 모래주형주조법을 개발해냈을 수도 있다.
실제로 현존하는 구텐베르크의 초상화를 보면 복식이 당시 유럽의 것이 아닌 몽골과 만주의 의복을 입고있고 손에는 도장과 알파벳이 새겨진 금속막대기를 쥐고 있는데, 도장이란 건 동양에만 있는 물건이고 또 그 금속막대기는 금속주형주조법이 아닌 고려의 모래주형주조법에서 전형적으로 사용되는 도구이다.
이 초상화의 주인공이 구텐베르크가 분명하다면 그가 당시 동양문물의 세례를, 그것도 압도적으로 받고 있었음을 어렵잖게 짐작할 수 있다.
좀 더 연구가 진행되어야 하겠으나 이 시점에서 확실해진 건 우리가 아는 금속주형주조법의 원조는 구텐베르크가 아니며 인류 인쇄법사는 모두 다시 쓰여져야 할 상황에 놓였다는 것이다.
Has History Been Too Generous to Gutenberg?
Published: January 27, 2001
Johann Gutenberg, the 15th-century German craftsman, has long been believed to be the father of modern typography. But the secretive inventor may have to share some of the paternity now. A physicist and a scholar of rare books at Princeton University who jointly used new technology to examine some of Gutenberg's texts say he may not have created the seminal process after all, a finding could rewrite the history of printing.
The two scholars contend that the metal mold method of printing attributed to Gutenberg was probably invented by someone else about 20 years after Gutenberg printed his Bible. The method, which involves punching a letter into a copper matrix that is filled with lead alloy to create hundreds of identical letters, was the principal way of printing until after World War II.
''They have figured out that the whole history of early printing is wrong,'' said Anthony Grafton, a professor of history at Princeton and an expert on the history of the book. ''There wasn't one, heroic discovery.''
Rather, Mr. Grafton said, the invention of modern printing was a more gradual process involving more than one person.
The finding, Mr. Grafton said, means that Gutenberg was not the inventor of movable type in the way it is commonly understood: as bits of identical type that are created from metal molds. The new research, however, does not dislodge Gutenberg from his historic position as the inventor of the printing press and the first person to mass-produce Bibles and other materials.
The announcement is causing the kind of excitement among rare-book collectors and scholars that the Super Bowl is generating among sports fans. Some 250 such scholars and collectors are gathered in New York this week for a series of events including the annual meeting of the Bibliographical Society of America.
The discovery was announced on Monday by Paul Needham, the librarian of the Scheide Library, a private library housed at Princeton, and Blaise Agüera y Arcas, a 25-year-old graduate of Princeton with a degree in physics, before a standing-room-only audience at New York's Grolier Club, a club for book collectors founded in 1884.
The two used computer enhancement to magnify the typeface of the Calixtus Bull, a letter from the Vatican printed by Gutenberg that sought to raise money to fight the Turks, and of two Bibles printed in Gutenberg types that are at the Scheide Library. Mr. Agüera y Arcas then created mathematical models to compare the letters.
The scholars said they discovered that individual letters differed in shape from one another in such a way that they could not have come from the same metal mold. For example, the A's on any given page on Gutenberg's papal bull are not always exactly the same shape.
Mr. Needham and Mr. Agüera y Arcas say they believe that Gutenberg employed a cruder printing method, sand casting, used at the time for making metal objects. The two scholars suspect Gutenberg made his molds in sand, then poured lead alloy into them to create letters. Because sand molds could not be reused, Gutenberg would have had to make his molds over and over again, and each letter would thus have been slightly different.
Mr. Grafton explained that ''the letters were movable, in the sense that they were individual and were fitted into forms, but not in the normally used sense of being hard, identical or virtually identical objects created uniformly and used uniformly.'' Mr. Agüera y Arcas was a student of Mr. Grafton's in a graduate seminar in the history of the book. It was Mr. Grafton who brought him together with Mr. Needham.
Gutenberg had always been thought to print using whole letters. But the two scholars were also startled to discover that Gutenberg probably used a more complex method of creating shapes in the sand with tools and joining the different shapes together to make letters.
''We don't know why he used this method,'' said Mr. Needham, 57, who has been curator of printed books and bindings at the Pierpont Morgan Library and director of books and manuscripts at Sotheby's. ''It could have been used to make it look more like script.''
Mr. Needham and Mr. Agüera y Arcas say they plan to publish their findings in a scholarly journal and in a monograph. once experts have a chance to study their results, there are bound to be dissenters. Still, G. Thomas Tanselle, a leading bibliographical scholar who was in the audience at the Grolier, called the announcement ''a landmark in the study of early typography.''
Peter E. Hanff, the deputy director of the Bancroft Library at the University of California at Berkeley who was also present at the Grolier, said: ''It's opening a window on something we thought we understood. It reveals to us that the invention of printing was far more complex than we thought.''
He added, ''I think it is an astonishing discovery so many years after the fact.''
Until now, almost every historical account of Gutenberg credits him with inventing the metal mold method for printing. Gutenberg, who was born in Mainz, Germany, around 1400, began his career as a metal worker. Because of political turmoil in Mainz, he moved to Strasbourg, then a German city. He began making mirrors that pilgrims could hold above their heads to get a better view of sacred relics in a crowd and perhaps, it was thought, catch some of the relic's magic. Gutenberg may have used sand casting to create molds for his mirrors, Mr. Needham said.
At the time, there was a demand among pilgrims for religious trinkets and papal indulgences, which could lead to a reduction of a sinner's time in Purgatory). But multiple copies of documents had to be written out laboriously by hand. Mr. Needham and Mr. Agüera y Arcas say that Gutenberg, who never wrote down his printing methods, probably came up with the idea of using sand casting from his mirror making.
The Koreans had been using sand casting to make metal letters and had already been mass-producing books for at least 30 years, but the scholars found no direct evidence that Gutenberg had contact with them. It has also long been known that the Chinese were making movable type out of clay and mass-producing books in the 11th century A.D., although that process was unknown in Europe.
To print his books, Gutenberg built a press modeled on the type used in winemaking, bookbinding and papermaking. He also developed an oil-based ink that is the prototype of modern printer's ink. Around 1450 he began printing multiple copies of papal indulgences, a Latin grammar and a prophetic poem about the fate of the Holy Roman Empire.
Gutenberg obtained additional financing to perfect his printing system and to produce a Latin Bible. The Bible, which is known as the Gutenberg Bible, was published around 1455, in an edition of about 180 copies. It is the oldest surviving printed book. one copy is in the Scheide Library, together with another Bible believed to have been made by Albrecht Pfister using type supplied by Gutenberg. The library is owned by William Scheide, a philanthropist from a family that made a fortune in the oil business. Mr. Scheide, the third generation of his family to own the library, helped support the Gutenberg research, as did Princeton University.
How the modern punch matrix method came into being remains unknown, Mr. Needham said. He noted that Italian documents from the 1470's refer explicitly to printing that uses metal molds instead of sand.
''When did it begin and how did it spread?'' Mr. Needham asked at the Grolier Club. ''We don't have any answer.''
Photos: A computer-enhanced look at a Gutenberg Bible has led two researchers to conclude that Johann Gutenberg may not have used the metal mold method of printing that he has been widely credited with inventing. (Keith Meyers/The New York Times)(pg. B9); Blaise Agüera y Arcas, left, and Paul Needham say computer studies on texts printed by Gutenberg show that his role needs to be reassessed. (Keith Meyers/The New York Times); An engraving titled ''The First Proof From Gutenberg's Press'' depicts Johann Gutenberg, center, inspecting his handiwork. (pg. B11)
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